Thursday, March 19, 2015

Baby Michael's Newborn Photo Session

There is nothing as sweet and peaceful as a newborn.  That certainly is the case for the snuggly, sweet  baby Michael.  It was a wonderful experience photographing his sweetness.

I am so glad Michael's Grandmother requested a "little hands" picture.

 If you have little hands, you must also capture the little feet.

 Who doesn't love "The very Hungry Caterpillar?"

 Oh that sweet face!

 Look at that little grin!

 Three generations of hands

 I told you he liked to snuggle.

 A kiss from Mommy

 Eskimo Kisses

 A little light reading

In the nursery

Friday, March 6, 2015

I just can't get enough of taking pictures of these kids.  Just goofing around at home, but these kids just have amazing eyes!